Howard Butler, Martin Daly, Allan Doyle, Sean Gillies, Stefan Hagen, Tim Schaub, Erik Wilde
What is GeoJSON?
- Structured information about geospatially-bounded things (aka "features") and their properties
- Using JavaScript Object Notation
- Simplifies as much as possible
GeoJSON History
- Discovered on Freenode: #openlayers and #gdal, late 2006
- Informal WG launched 2007-03-15
- 375 Messages later...
- Format Specification published 2008-06-18
- Informal WG moved to GitHub 2011-09-22
- draft-butler-geojson-00 submitted 2014-01-08
Where we are now
- GeoJSON is improving data interchange
- Maps abound, processes are evolving
- Intense demand for improvement
- OGC Simple Features Specification
- W3C Basic Geo Vocabulary
- GeoRSS
- Atom
Related Work
- IETF geopriv WG (RFC 5870 - geo URI scheme)
Related Work
W3C/OGC Spatial Data on the Web WG
- Not developing technologies
- Considering GeoJSON
Almost any kind of geospatial JSON data interchange
- HTTP CRUD and JavaScript APIs
- Spatial database queries
- Alerting and geo-fencing protocols
- Defining coverage of networked mobile apps
- Engineering basis for geo protocol buffers
Why the IETF?
- Agreement with the IETF mission and its principles
- Desire to have GeoJSON join other JSON RFCs
- History of interaction between informal GeoJSON WG and geopriv WG
Proposed WG Scope
- Narrow as possible
- Start with draft-butler-geojson-05
- More precisely specify the GeoJSON format
- Document best practices discovered since 2008
- Investigate implications of recent JSON RFC 7159
- Alignment with work such as JSON Text Sequences and I-JSON (RFC 7464/7493)
How much work remains?
- Extensibility of GeoJSON
- Consideration of other geometry primitives
- Re-consideration of coordinate systems
- All GeoJSON authors approve
- 5 of 6 raise their hands to do the remaining work